Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October 17: Protecting Our Lights

Be an Example for Every Child, Week Four

Protecting Our Lights

Thinking back on my life as a Disciples youth and child, learning about the Bible came in many different forms,such as going to church camp, attending Vacation Bible School, reading books, and gathering with my family at General Assembly. I found sitting in Sunday School and reading the books at home with my parents helped me the most to learn the stories. I first learned the classic Bible stories at my home church. However, my favorite way to learn the Bible was to attend church camp. When I was there I didn’t just learn the stories but connected them to my everyday life.  When children and youth can go and see, it shows us what the Bible is about. They are able to feel the love and acceptance shown throughout the Bible. Children and youth like to go places because they get to interact with adults they don’t see every week. This past summer I was a counselor at my church camp and we had a rule of three.(No one can go anywhere alone, there must be three people) Many times my campers didn’t want to follow the rule they believed they were independent and didn’t need anyone to help them. They didn’t understand the rule. It was protect them and others. Sometimes, children and youth don’t see what the adults are doing, just like my campers didn’t understand why I made them take two buddies. When we light a candle with children, we are “protecting” the church and the child so they might grow up in their faith.

Let us pray:
Holy God, we pray you would help us to continue your work. We praise you for the work that has already been done. Lord, we pray for all of the children, that you would be with them and they would know you. In Your name, Amen.

John 21:15When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.”

(Read the weekly scripture each day. Find a phrase or word that speaks to you. Share your reflections with others over dinner, social media, and in prayer. Share the scripture with a child you know in the car, through a text, or in a children's Bible.)

Resources and Links

Camp: http://www.docfamiliesandchildren.org/summer---camp
Camp Safety: http://www.docfamiliesandchildren.org/safety-basics-8-9 

Online Camp Documents: http://www.campdoc.com/

Kate Summers, General Youth Council Moderator, General Youth Council, Ministries Across Generations 

*The view represented in these devotions come from a variety of diverse perspectives. We do not seek to agree but seek to welcome all to the conversation and the table.

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