Friday, September 23, 2016

September 23: Looking for the Lighthouse

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light around me become night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is as bright as the day,
for darkness is as light to you.”

- Psalm 139:11-12
As I reflected on these two verses from Psalm 139 I was reminded of the many times I have said, “You are safe, here in this place” to children and adults alike throughout my years in ministry. I hope it has always been true.
It does not always make sense to us that God could be bright as day even in the darkest of times. How can we find a safe place in the midst of violence or hurt, especially when we are hurt by those who should care for us the most? How can we trust that God can find us even in the darkest of places? The image of a lighthouse comes to mind. Most often, if you aren’t an avid sailor, you notice them more for their beauty against the backdrop of a blue sky. But a lighthouse is most beauty and helpful in the midst of violent wind and rain, guiding a ship back to the safe harbor.

We don’t often recognize our need for a safe “harbor” until we notice even the smallest speck of light piercing the darkness. When you find yourself in the darkness of violence and all the hurt and pain that comes with it, it can be difficult to see the light of a safe harbor. I promise you it’s there, if you are hurting look for the lighthouse, in pastors, teachers, friends, or relatives who the hold light of Christ out like a beacon. Look for the “lighthouse” someone who means it when they say, “You are safe.”

Lord of light, help me see your light in others especially when the darkness is overwhelming. Amen.
Rev. Andrea Brownlee is the Senior Pastor as First Christian Church in Perry Iowa. She has been serving in congregational ministry for 12 years and has served churches in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Iowa.
Our 2016 prayer vigil theme is Helping Our Children Heal from Violence. For more resources visit and 

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