Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21: We can all help

Week of September 20 People are stealing things and hurting others. They are arguing and fighting. Why do you make me look at these terrible things?  - Habbakuk 1:3

How do we help the 14.7 million poor children in our country? What about those in the world? How does God feel about poor children? 

"God thinks everyone should be treated the same way. All children are beloved children of God. Nobody should suffer. There are many that have enough money to help, but greed stops them. If they cared more about the children that don’t have enough money, clothes, or food and less about money I believe they would help. God told us to love our neighbor as ourself. How can we love our neighbor if we see them hungry and do nothing to help them. We need to listen to what God says and follow his words. God wants us to do better. I believe we can do better if we follow God more. We can all help."

Emma-Leigh, Age 9 (with help from Mandy)
Canton Christian Church
Canton, Missouri 


Drawing by Reese
3rd grade
Central Reformed Church
Grand Rapids, Michigan

(Children need good food. Reese is offering the children chickens from her yard.) 

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