Sunday, October 6, 2013

God's Messenger

Day 22: October 6, 2013

Called the “weeping prophet,” Jeremiah was aware of both the sinful behavior of his people and the anger and frustration of God at their disobedience. Even though the ancient people of Judah attended temple worship, they had become entrenched and comfortable. Their traditions led them away from heartfelt worship of God in spirit and truth. They ignored God’s command to seek justice and provide care for the orphans, widows, and aliens. 

Like the ancient people of Jeremiah’s day, we, too, can have good intentions toward God and others as we faithfully attend church and follow the rules of our tradition. But when we allow idolatrous attachments and misplaced values to get in the way of true love for God and others, we, like the ancient Israelites, need to examine our intentions and relationship with God and others. 

Through God’s grace and guidance, we can be like the prophet Jeremiah, finding the courage to speak God’s message of truth and justice for all of God’s children. 

Holy God of Justice and Mercy, grant us the wisdom to recognize and the courage to speak out against unjust systems that oppress and harm your children. Grant us grace to be your messengers of hope to a world in which poverty and violence abound. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Karen Cote
Guyton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Guyton, Georgia

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