Sunday, September 23, 2012

Commitment and Dedication

1 Samuel 1: 19-23

Hannah’s backstory is an example of humility and commitment. In a time when a woman’s worth was based on her womb she could bare no children. Her tear-stained prayers were recognized by the Lord as she bargained for a male child. The Lord remembered Hannah and when Samuel was weaned, she remembered her prayers and commitment.

We often bargain with God in prayers, the Lord remembers, yet when we can be the answer to another’s prayer we forget. The children in our midst, and those half a world away, belong to us when we share the Lord’s memory and Hannah’s dedication.

Nudge me, O God, in those moments when I need a reminder that I can be the answer to a child’s prayer to be heard, loved, and fed.  Grant me the commitment and dedication of Hannah.  Amen.

Rev. Michael Davison, Jr.
Associate Regional Pastor
Christian Church in Oklahoma

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