Saturday, October 2, 2021

October 2, 2021 - Story of Exodus

Story of Exodus

Go here for more guidance on engaging in this year's Light a Candle with Children.

Story Preparation: Find a place in your home to worship with the story.

Sing:Be Still and Know that I Am God

Be Still and Know I am God, Be Still and Know I am God, Be Still and Know I am God.

Center Your Mind and Body

Share the Story: of “Exodus” Young Children and Worship by Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman

Exodus 1:1-15:21

The desert is a strange and wild place. At night it is very cold, but in the day it is burning hot. There is almost no water at all…. The desert is always changing. The wind comes. And as it blows it shapes and molds. So the desert is never the same.

Once the children were very hungry.

They cried in the night, even when they were asleep. Their parents heard them…

…but there was no food. They knew they had to find food, so the people of God crossed the desert to the land of Egypt.

They stayed. But one day a new king, called a pharaoh, wanted the people of God for slaves. Pharaoh caught them in a trap.

He would not let them go. The people of God had to do what Pharaoh said. They had to work when Pharaoh said. They had to live where Pharaoh said. They had to go to bed when Pharaoh said. They couldn’t do anything on their own.

The people of God cried to God for help, and God heard them. God spoke to Moses…

…and said, “Go to Pharaoh and say. ‘Let God’s people go!’” But Pharaoh said, “No.”

Many terrible things happened in the land of Egypt. But still Pharaoh said, “No.” Finally, the firstborn of all of Egyptian families and animals died. But not the people of God. They were safe. Death passed over them.

Moses went to Pharaoh again. And Pharaoh said, “Yes.” Moses rushed back to the people.

The people of God were ready. They had to hurry before Pharaoh changed his mind. So they took unleavened bread because there wasn’t time for it to rise.

They moved toward the great sea…

Fearing any moment, they would hear the sound of Pharaoh’s army chasing them to bring them back.

Then they heard the war chariots. Pharaoh’s army was coming! They were pressed against the water, trapped again. Moses cried to God and God showed Moses the way…

…through the water to freedom.

Look at the people of God. They are doing different things to show how they feel. I wonder if you would like to go through to freedom?

When all the people of God passed through, the water closed…

And they were safe. They were free. The people of God were so happy they were free. They just had to give their thanks to the one true God. So they sang their thanks, and Miriam, the prophet, led the dancing.


I wonder what is the most important part of this story?

I wonder where you are in this story?

I wonder how this story helps us listen to children?


If you would like to make something that shows how this story feels to you. You may use any art materials that are available to you.

Read Scripture:
Exodus 15:1-2

Share:  We would love you to share your responses on our Light a Candle With Children Facebook page at

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