Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2: Justice and Ted Talks

Be an Example of Justice, Week Two

Justice and Ted Talks
Justice is a tricky topic these days in the divided political landscape. As you begin this week of devotions, I share with you that studies have shown that the emotional brain responds before the thinking parts of the brain. There are certain words and topics that lead many people to respond with their emotional brain before finding a way to engage their thinking brain into the conversation.
The young brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. Thus often youth and young adults will respond without allowing enough time for the brain to process the consequences of their words and actions. As we seek to help our children, youth, and young adults in this difficult period, we must be willing to engage in hard conversations with grace and openness.  

This week there will be devotions that may challenge your emotional brain. I encourage all of us to teach one another and our children how to find ways to have conversations that are able to move beyond our emotional brain to our thinking brains as we seek to find God in one another, and to recognize God’s goodness in all of us.

Below you will find some links to “TedTalks.” The radio hour, videos, and teenage voices are all great ways for youth and all ages to engage in conversations around many topics and issues.  There is also a link to our kid and youth blog page. It contains a link for the program “rethink.” This program was started by a teenager who is helping stop cyber-bullying by teaching teens how to “rethink” before responding.

Hebrews 13:1-2
Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.

(Read the weekly scripture each day. Find a phrase or word that speaks to you. Share your reflections with others over dinner, social media, and in prayer. Share the scripture with a child you know in the car, through a text, or in a children's Bible.)

Resources and Links
How are Brain Works:
Teen Ted Talks:
Ted Talk Radio Hour:

Rev. Dr. Olivia Bryan Updegrove: Families and Children’s Minister for Disciples Home Missions, and Part-Time Pastor for Independence Christian Church, KY.

*The view represented in these devotions come from a variety of diverse perspectives. We do not seek to agree but seek to welcome all to the conversation and the table.

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