Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3: Being a Helper

John 9:1-12

In this story, Jesus teaches the disciples that people who are having a hard time have not done something wrong. Sometimes, people around us face difficulties so that God and God's followers can be there to help them. When approaching the blind man in the story, Jesus acts as a helper. Being a helper is one of the best ways that we can be like Jesus and do what God wants us to do each and every day. When our friends are having a bad day, our brothers and sisters have a lot of chores to do, or our moms and dads are busy, being a helper allows us to be like Jesus and make someone else's day a little easier. Sometimes when we see bad things happening in our world it easy to be scared or sad, but if we look for the people helping to stop the bad things and helping the people affected by the bad things we can see God at work in our communities. 

Loving Jesus, show us how to be like you. Show us how to be a helper and show us how to find the helpers doing God's work in the world around us. Amen. 

Originally, from Manchester, Missouri, Will O'Brien is a member of Union Avenue Christian Church. Will studied Religion and Arabic at the University of Rochester and served as a Peace Intern with the Disciples Peace Fellowship. Currently, Will lives in Cairo, Egypt where he is a Global Ministries Global Mission Intern serving with the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services. 


Our 2016 prayer vigil theme is Helping Our Children Heal from Violence. For more resources visit and 

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