Saturday, October 12, 2013

Swerve Often

Day 28: October 12, 2013

“If you stop to be kind, you must swerve often from your path.”
-Mary Webb

The disciples’ sternness in this passage is not their only foible. It is only a symptom of a deeper and more tragic truth. As human beings, we are often afraid to swerve from the most comfortable and secure paths. Being afraid of the unknown, we can fall into the trap of excluding others from our party, particularly strangers, minorities, outcasts, and little children.

Jesus instructs the disciples to stop and be kind, even if it means swerving from the path. Indeed, he urges openness and inclusion for all, but especially for children.

Receiving the Kingdom of God means to welcome the unexpected and greet change kindly. Redirecting can be hard sometimes, but somewhat easier if we remember we are all created children of God.

Loving Creator, We who are fearfully and wonderfully made often forget to be open. Out of fear or doubt, we exclude what is different and overlook the invitation to be kind. Rekindle in us a spirit of adventure, a mind for acceptance, welcoming hands, and affirming hearts. In your many Holy names, Amen.

Rev. Shayanna Jolly
Crittenden Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Crittenden, Kentucky

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