Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Heavy Burdens, Weary Hearts

Habakkuk 2:1-3

At times we find ourselves weary with the burden of knowledge. Consequences of actions may seem daunting and overwhelming. Certainly, Elisha was heavy-hearted and sad having seen the outcome of future events. Aside from natural consequences of our actions, God’s actions remain a mystery requiring faith and hope that all will turn out according to God's will. 

What a challenge this is! It is a daily discipline for me to surrender each day to God's will and not my own. Yet it can serve as a reminder to focus on and be grateful for the opportunities we do have to be proactive in our actions at securing justice for children. We have profound and far-reaching opportunities to provide education to all of God's children with equality and justice.

Dear God, thank you for the numerous opportunities to serve as your hands and feet in this world. Remind us daily to make the time to hear and discern responsible actions towards justice in education for all.  For it is in your name that we serve and pray. Amen.

Susan Allen
First Christian Church (Disciples of  Christ)
Lynchburg, Virginia

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