Thursday, September 20, 2012

Will This Be on the Test?

Judges 13: 8-14

As I read the story of Manoah and his wife entreating God to tell them everything they must know in order to raise their special, consecrated child, I can’t help but think of students who ask, “Will this be on the test?”  And like every patient teacher I have known, the angel of the Lord repeats the most important bits of information and concludes with, “just do what I told you to do.”

Just like adults, children learn in different ways and at different tempos.  We need patient teachers and classroom environments where the needs of the individual child may be met.  Like Manoah and his wife, sometimes that means repetition which takes time and attention. 

Dear One, how is it that our wealthy nation must cut school budgets, creating larger and larger classrooms that prohibit individualized instruction?  May we prioritize the use of our resources so that our children may learn the way they learn best. 

Rev. Maggie Sebastian
Clinical Chaplain
Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital
Hood River, Oregon

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